• Social Strategies Training Center

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    Please feel free to have a look around, sign up for a course, and learn some useful new skills to help make the world a better place for all of us. 

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Available courses

Cost: FREE!

Definitions and Framing

This module covers the legal definitions, prevalence and who is affected by human trafficking.  Through exploring the landscape of trafficking, service providers and first responders will be prepared to recognize and understand human trafficking using a trauma-informed and victim-centered lens.  

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn the federal and state definitions of trafficking and apply them in practice.
  • Explore the landscape of exploitation and learn how and where human trafficking occurs.
  • Learn the 5 core lessons for responding to trafficking.

Cost: $10.00

Identification and Engagement

This module covers strategies for identification and engagement with youth who have experienced trafficking.  It focuses on relationship building as well as exploring recruitment and ways to prevent or interrupt further harm.  This training prepares service providers and first responders to increase their identification of human trafficking and improved their responses to youth experiencing trafficking. 

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn the red flags for identifying trafficking and exploitation.
  • Explore the recruitment process and how to reduce or prevent further harm.
  • Learn the process of relationship building and strategies for engagement.

Cost: $10.00

Stages of Change

This module begins by exploring the Stages of Change theory and model of behavior change to deepen participant understanding of how people change and sustain new behaviors.   Then, participants will learn to identify each of the 5 stages and how to shape service interventions based on each stage.  Finally, practice exercises offer opportunities to apply new skills and knowledge about the Stages of Change. 

Learning Objectives:
  • Explore the Stages of Change: behavior change theory, model, and application.
  • Learn how to recognize the six Stages of Change and target service responses to each stage.
  • Practice identifying Stages of Change and apply model to service provider activities. 

Cost: $10.00

Safety Planning

This module begins by exploring what safety is, and what it means to different people.  This includes physical, emotional, psychological, financial and community contexts for safety.  From there, we will explore the fundamental and processes for increasing safety including concrete strategies for developing safety plans with young people and clients. 

Learning Objectives
  • Learn about different types of safety and contexts for what makes people feel safe.
  • Explore opportunities to build safety into relationships by modeling boundaries and increasing choice and agency.
  • Learn concrete strategies for creating and supporting implementation of safety plans. 

Cost $10.00

Running Away Behavior

This module begins by exploring working assumptions and framing the reasons and conditions under which youth run away referred to as the Push and Pull Factors.  This sets the stage for learning a process of assessment and intervention in running away behaviors with the goal of supporting youth and placement stability and decreasing running away behavior over time. 

Learning Objectives
  • Explore running away behaviors as a set of responses to conditions in the home/placement or broader environment.
  • Learn the Push/Pull Factors model and steps for responding to running away behavior.
  • Integrate and apply the model to current practice and/or practice scenarios.
Cost $10.00

De-Escalation Training

This module for service providers will increase skills and offer a framework for crisis response and de-escalation. The workshop will define the cycle of escalation, threat responses, the spectrum of ideation to intent, and the process of de-escalation. Participants will explore strategies to assess, respond, and de-escalate situations focused on direct practice settings and programs using hands-off approaches.

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn what is happening in the body-brain when someone becomes escalated or is having a threat response.
  • Explore the process of de-escalation using the 3 A’s: Attunement, Assessment, Alignment.
  • Apply de-escalation strategies to practice examples.

Cost $7.00

Bloodborne Pathogens Qualified Training

This 2-hour Bloodborne Pathogens training for social workers meets the annual OSHA and Washington State requirements for education on occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Participants will learn about the transmission of bloodborne diseases, safe work practices, personal protective equipment, and exposure control plans. The training is required annually and will cover relevant topics to protect social workers from the risks of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. At the end of the training, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Cost: $10.00

Milieu Management

This unique course is designed for service providers working with youth in community-based, residential, therapeutic, or educational settings. The training begins with an introduction to youth service milieus, then explores milieus through the framework of ‘People, Structure, and Practices’. Topics include relationship building, boundaries, consistency, trauma informed milieus and general strategies for supporting milieus. The workshop concludes with an activity to identify strengths and challenges in current milieu scenarios.

Learning Objectives: 
  • Learn what a youth service milieu is and what functions milieus serve in youth development.
  • Explore the youth service milieu framework of People, Structure, and Practices for an integrated understanding of milieus.
  • Practice applying training strategies to youth service milieus.

Cost: $10.00

Motivational Interviewing

This training for service providers begins by exploring the definitions and foundational concepts of Motivational Interviewing (MI), which is an evidence-based approach to supporting people through change. The workshop begins with an overview of MI, then explores its specific techniques and skills. The training concludes with opportunities to practice the skills of Motivational Interviewing. This is an introductory training and does not require any prior clinical experience.

Learning Objectives
  • Learn the foundational concepts of Motivational Interviewing and when to use this approach.
  • Explore the specific skills and OARS technique of Motivational Interviewing (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening, summarizing).
  • Practice the skills of Motivational Interviewing applied to service provider scenarios.